The Peaceful Mind Podcast
Episode 79- The Greatest Of These Is Love
FULL TRANSCRIPT (with timecode)
00:00:00:12 - 00:00:04:09
You are listening to episode 79 of the Peaceful Mind podcast.
00:00:13:02 - 00:00:37:05
Welcome to the Peaceful Mind podcast, a place for creating the peace of mind, you need to be the best mom you were created by God to be. If you want to bring more balance, more joy in more peace to your motherhood, this is the place for you. I'm your host, certified life coach at Catholic mom Danielle Thienel. In the name of the father of the son and of the Holy Spirit.
00:00:37:13 - 00:00:38:18
Let's get started.
00:00:45:07 - 00:01:31:22
First Corinthians 13, verse 13 says, and now these three remain faith, hope and love, but the greatest of these is love. Hi, everyone. This episode is coming out a week before Valentine's Day. Little less than a week, and I wanted to just kind of get your mind and heart in the place of love. So that next week, when you have a big focus on your loved ones in those around you, you may be looking at love in a different way for for some of you, it might be the first time ever.
00:01:32:11 - 00:02:08:02
And that is a focus on unconditional love. We grow up knowing that we must love God first and that the greatest commandment is to love thy neighbor like yourself. Yeah, but what does it really mean to unconditionally love, especially when it's hard, especially when we are not in a very loving mood, or if we believe somebody has done something that doesn't require our love? Well, this is what I want you to know first.
00:02:08:18 - 00:02:39:16
Love is an emotion that you choose for yourself. Love feels good, and if given a choice, most of us would choose to feel love towards someone over any other emotion. Yet most of us don't consciously choose to feel love. Instead, in our lives, we choose to feel disappointment and anger or frustration. And we have expectations of others.
00:02:39:29 - 00:03:11:27
And when they don't meet these expectations, we use that as an excuse to feel bad. And this makes no sense. We create rules that set us up to feel negative emotion instead of something wonderful. So thinking about unconditional love from this perspective that it's an emotion that you choose for yourself then makes it a self-serving way for you to experience the feelings that you really want to feel.
00:03:12:12 - 00:03:46:24
And you know that I preach over and over to have a more peaceful life, to have joy and balance that you want in your motherhood. It does take you being a little self-serving in order for you to be filled up. And if you are feeling love, love for yourself, it automatically overflows to love of others. You have the option to feel any way you want at any time and any feeling is always available to you.
00:03:47:25 - 00:04:22:21
So let's choose love, and then we want to even have that be a extra level to make that be unconditional love. And what that means is that we are focusing this love creating love for ourselves and other people because this is where love is, it's it's the relationship that we have with others. But guess what? The relationships with others have been in our minds because it's always what we are thinking about that creates our feeling.
00:04:22:29 - 00:05:11:20
So it's what we're thinking about others that will create the feeling of love inside us so unconditionally in order to be someone who loves unconditionally. It means that we don't have to put any stipulations on others to show up in a way that we think. Here's this expectation again, that we think they should. In fact, unconditional love has this dropping that altogether. If you can come from a place where you no longer have to have anyone else kind of say or do just act and behave the way you believe they should, but you just concentrate on how you're thinking and feeling and what you're doing.
00:05:11:25 - 00:05:31:09
And in this case, if you're thinking thoughts that create love for you, this will have you loving unconditionally because there isn't any condition you are placing on anyone outside of you to have to show up in order for you to feel love.
00:05:32:25 - 00:06:33:12
And when you start to believe that how you feel isn't a choice when you aren't in the place of where I'm telling you where your own thoughts create your feelings and you really do believe it's true that other people are the reason for how you feel, you will get yourself into trouble. You'll find that some powerful work happens when you say, How do I want to feel about this situation? So next week, if you're listening to this podcast, when it comes out in the first week of February, when I say next week, whenever we come to this one day right where we focus on the love that we have for others, you'll just want to know that see how when you're putting your mind towards what it is you love about them or how you want to show your love like you create more love.
00:06:33:14 - 00:07:03:15
I want you to know that this option is available to you any day of the year. Any day. Maybe you're someone who thinks that unconditional love requires sacrifice and should only be expected of saints. But unconditional love is a gift that you give to yourself. It's for you, and it makes your life easier, not harder.
00:07:04:04 - 00:07:41:01
If you find yourself in a place where you are thinking of people and you are believing that it's difficult to love them like it's hard to love them, you are putting your thoughts about love in the wrong area. It's about them. And we want to bring love and especially unconditional love back to thinking about ourselves because it's a choice you make, regardless of what others do or what how they are behaving for you to choose to feel love.
00:07:42:06 - 00:08:24:12
If you're currently in a relationship that is, you know, that you're suffering through and having a hard time feeling love for, I want you to ask these very important questions. How do you want to feel about this person? How do you want to feel right now? Would it feel better to like this person or dislike the person? Do you know that you have the option to love this person unconditionally, regardless of what they do or don't do? What is stopping you from unconditionally loving for your own sake? I love these questions.
00:08:25:03 - 00:08:58:10
And do you see how it shows you that you can come back to your power or your power to choose love at any moment? That what happens is, is that when we bring the focus back to ourselves and then know the power of what our thoughts are right now in the moment to create a different future. These questions help guide you. Again, I'm going to repeat them. I want this to sink into you this power that you have to bring yourself back to feeling love.
00:08:58:28 - 00:09:37:13
So how do you want to feel about? And then you think about the person who you're maybe struggling to love at the moment? How do you want to feel right now? Would it feel better to like this person or dislike this person? Do you know that you have the option to love this person unconditionally, regardless of what they do or don't do? And what is stopping you from unconditionally loving for your own sake? Love is one of the best emotions any of us can feel in our relationships.
00:09:37:15 - 00:10:23:19
That feeling of love is always available to us, and many of us decide that we don't want to feel it. But that doesn't make any sense. Why would we choose not to feel love towards someone? Because love feels amazing. And when we're not choosing love, we are denying ourselves that feeling. The truth is, your choice not to feel love is only hurting you, and a lot of us think that when we love someone that it somehow benefits that other person and then we get locked into the idea that we can't love that person because of what they did or said or how they're acting, and that they don't quote deserve that from us.
00:10:24:24 - 00:10:57:13
But the truth is, you get to feel love whenever you want to. And nothing that anyone does or doesn't do can ever deny you that feeling. And that's the best news ever. It's amazing that we get to choose how we feel about other people, regardless of how they treat us. And that is what helps us come back to what our Lord teaches us. And that is and now these three remain faith, hope and love.
00:10:57:26 - 00:11:28:13
But the greatest of these is love. I hope you'll focus on this feeling of love this week in practice, loving unconditionally by taking your focus off what others do and decide purposely to use your thoughts to create the feeling of love for you. And direct your thoughts to others in a way that creates this feeling of love for you.
00:11:28:15 - 00:12:12:09
Because from there, you will act in the most loving way unconditionally. And I want you to know that I think the most loving thoughts about you all for being here, and I love you dearly. So let's go create a lot more love in our lives and in the world. All right, I'll talk to you again next week. Thank you for tuning in to today's episode of the Peaceful Mind podcast. Are you ready to take everything I teach you here and put it to work for your own life to really learn how to have peace of mind, no matter what is happening around you? If so, I'd love to have you as a client, as your coach.
00:12:12:11 - 00:12:37:01
This is where you'll get personal and focus time on your own mind using life coaching tools, concepts and proven life transforming wisdom all through a faith filled lens. To learn more about how we can work together. Come on over to There. You'll see how to sign up for a free coaching consult and learn how to get started. Until next time. Peace be with you always.