I'm Danielle.

I'm a life coach.

I can help you.

I'm a wife, mom, member of the Catholic faith, certified life coach, and podcast host.

I'm dedicated to maximizing your God-given potential and helping moms have a life filled with more peace, balance, and joy.

Well, hey there! I'm so glad you're here.

I believe it's not just a coincidence that our paths have crossed; instead, you are here for a reason. As a mom myself, I get you - I know all that is weighing on your heart and keeping you defeated.

There is another way, and now I help other moms join me on the path to peace and happiness amid the struggles and busyness of life.

I'm a mom who has been where you are:

  • spread too thin
  • juggling too much
  • exhausted all the time 
  • stuck & fearing change
  • no time for self-care
  • feeling disconnected
  • worried or feeling guilty
  • overwhelmed
  • spread too thin
  • juggling too much
  • exhausted and overwhelmed
  • stuck and fearing change
  • feeling disconnected
  • feeling guilty
  • in a state of worry
  • fighting perfectionism

I wondered why my life felt out of control even though I knew I should be content because of all the blessings around me...

How could I dare to feel there was something more when I had:

  • a healthy family
  • a committed loving husband
  • a home of my dreams
  • friends and church family
  • memorable moments
  • a healthy family
  • a committed loving husband
  • a home of my dreams
  • friends and church family
  • and memorable moments

Can you relate to this?

Something still seemed off, chaotic, and out-of-balance.

There was exhaustion and disconnection to my life. I was stuck, doubting, anxious, and in a state of lack- lacking time, lacking money, lacking peace. I had tried to make changes before, but I always seemed to find myself back where I started.

Then I would tell myself:

"I should be able to figure this out."

I was too busy trying to check off all the boxes on what a "good" mom needed to do, so I was letting my life run me instead of me running my life. If this is you, too, then you need a plan for peace.


Here is where it all started

I was working outside the home in a job that didn't align with what I truly wanted to do. I was in the middle of renovating a house, moving my parents, taking care of the kids, driving them to all their different extracurricular activities, and not taking care of me. I thought I could manage everything, but all I really accomplished was managing myself into a sickbed, and I was no help to anyone there – least of all myself.

I contracted the flu and was forced to be still for two weeks. During that time, something I can only describe as "divine" happened. The Holy Spirit spoke to me, and this is what I heard, "I am leading you on a different path. Relinquish control, and let me guide you."

Relinquishing control isn't easy for a perfectionist and busy-holic, but I knew in my soul I was divinely guided. I listened to that voice, and I started making changes in my life that would allow me to be at home, prioritize everything going on, and focus on my family and myself. Suddenly, everything started to fall into place.

I hired a life coach

I found a path out from underneath all of it. I learned a completely different approach to everything: a process and a blueprint to living life from a place of total control. Life coaching offered a whole new way of doing things, a simpler, sustaining, empowering way.

I learned what roadblocks I needed to remove, and from there, I reprioritized everything and received clarity. I let go of my job. I started eating healthier, found time to exercise, and lost weight. I carved out time every day to reflect and pray. I became much calmer, and so did everyone in my family. Life became manageable. I felt way better on the inside, and I saw change happening on the outside. The house got renovated, and I decluttered it from top to bottom. My excitement for the path that began to show itself to me grew each day. After many months of working with my life coach, my life changed because I changed on the inside. I changed my mindset and learned how to take charge of my emotional health. I was showing up for my life.

It was then my path forward became clear, and eventually, I would feel drawn to help others find their path and change their life for the better, too.

I became certified as a life coach with The Life Coach School and then studied further, achieving an Advanced Certification in faith-based coaching. Soon after, I began focusing my practice on helping other moms find the joy, balance, and peace I was now an expert in creating. We are all born with a gift we were meant to share; coaching is the vehicle I was given to share my gift. I can show you how to find your path, too.

I have been where you are

I get you because I was you.

You want the best for your children and to be an example for them. You can enjoy this important vocation by overcoming the stress and overwhelm you are now experiencing.

We are not meant to go about making our dream life a reality by ourselves. We need a guide, support, and an accountability partner. We all need someone in our corner who understands and has the tools of transformation. We all need a coach. I believe the power we have been given to use our minds to create any result we want for our life comes from Christ. Our loving God placed those desires in your heart for a purpose.

If you're ready to fully step into a future different from where you are now, it's time to invest in yourself.

What could be more worth it than your life?!

Like me, perhaps it's time to finally listen to the still, small voice inside you that is calling you for change, nudging you. Learn to trust your spirit. I'm here to help, and the first step is to sign up for a free call. Click the button below.